Just as writers get writer's block I sometimes lack inspiration and I'm not sure what to make next! I feel like it is essential to keep making and designing even when you are slow and don't have any pressing orders because a new idea or design can lead to a new product you can offer your customers! So when I am not sure what I want to make next I have a few go to places for inspiration!
1. Facebook groups- If you have a machine and you don't utilize Facebook groups you're doing it WRONG! I like to browse anything and everything vinyl from Silhouette/Cricut groups to Dollar Tree craft groups and everything in between! These groups are a great resource for ideas, files, help from seasoned pros, and sometimes you establish awesome friendships!
2. Pinterest- As we all know Pinterest is a great source for any and all ideas! You can pin anything from decal ideas to sign ideas and everything in between! I especially like to pin quotes I think would look cute on a sign or a shirt.
3. Movies/TV Shows- I know your thinking what? Hear me out! Popular movies and TV shows usually have a super large following with super fans that would be willing to shell out some dough for merch. So you could use a quote or something from the show on a shirt, decal, cup etc and sell them!
4. File Sites- If you browse files more than likely you have thought "That would look great on a sign, shirt, cup etc" When you have the file right in front of you then you are already halfway there!
5. Songs- Ever heard a lyric that just really moves you or one you just really like? Chances are there's someone else who loves it to! These things are perfect to put on signs or shirts. Some artists also have really large followings that would love to buy these products, the best way to get their attention is to infiltrate their Facebook groups! I have an obsession with Mac Miller and I have a shirt that I sell in my Etsy store and I will just post the link in the groups every now and then and be like look at this shirt! I know self promoting is prohibited in some groups but if you just act like you found it on the web what can they do?